Look At This Crazy Eye Makeup Right Now

#1 The New Cat’s Eye

We bet you’ve never seen this unique take on a ‘cat’s eye’ before! Makeup artist Tal Peleg is famous for her crazy eye makeup designs.


#2 Anne
For this amazingly detailed look, makeup artist Tal Peleg was inspired by Anne Frank’s quote, “Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.” Very inspiring!


#3 Counting Sheep
If this eye makeup design wasn’t so awesome, all of those jumping sheep would be enough to send any insomniac to sleep!


#4 The Land Of Tears
This impressive eye makeup design is titled ‘The Land of Tears’, and we think the detail is incredibly realistic. The makeup artist was inspired by the story, The Little Prince.


#5 The Princess & The Frog
Tal Peleg celebrates another Disney classic with this Princess and the Frog-inspired look. The clever makeup artist even transforms her eyebrow into the Princess’s hair!


#6 Christmas Spirit

Fancy donning this eye makeup to your upcoming Christmas party? We love how the eyebrow also serves as the reindeer’s antlers!


#7 The Ugly Duckling

Tal Peleg’s Ugly Duckling-inspired eye makeup shows the transformation of the small duckling into a stunning swan. We love it!


#8 Eye See Sushi

Here’s one for all of you sushi lovers out there! Let’s just hope none of that wasabi sauce gets into her eye…Ouch!


#9 The Princess & The Pea

We love this clever fairytale-inspired look, with the green eye acting as the pea in the famous story, The Princess and the Pea.


#10 Steampunk

Tal Peleg incorporates the Steampunk look into her eye makeup designs, and the result is amazing – Just look at that detail!


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