Truly Awesome DIY Ideas to Renew Your Old Clothes


Got a wardrobe full of clothes but still nothing to wear? Yeah, I feel your pain! This is an eternal dilemma women face all the time. If you are like most of us, eventually you get bored with the same outfits you wear. At this very moment you start thinking about buying something new to update your look and keep up with the latest fashion trends. It’s the reason why #1 thing women splurge on is clothing. By and large, you don’t have to waste money on all those fashions straight from the runways. Whether or not you are ready to spend a fortune on all new apparel, there are quite a few ways to revive and renew your old clothing without breaking the bank. So don’t be afraid of being frugal and check out these ideas.


Jazz up your clothes
Adding some embellishments can revive almost any old piece. You have an awful lot of options here: buttons, glitter, fringe, sparkles, bows etc. Wanna transform your old pair of high heel shoes? Not a problem, all you need is a bit of imagination. Find a needle, a bow, some glue and voila. It’s not so complicated as you think.


Belt it
Believe it or not, but properly placed waist belt is an old reliable trick to turn your loose old dress, tunic, shirt or even cardigan into a voguish fashion statement.


Dye it
Dying an old garment can do wonders for styling and creating a fresh piece from things that you love but are not ready to give up on. The procedure is pretty easy, you only have to select a color and follow the instructions on the back of the bottle.


Check your mom’s or granny’s closet
Yep, you got it right, vintage clothes are so trendy now and there’s no better place to look for them than your granny’s closet. I’m sure you’ll find some bold floral dress which can be easily transformed into a stylish scarf. You can go further and revamp it into a skirt or whatever your imagination brings forth. Be ready one or more of granny’s goodies may fit perfectly and you’ll decide to wear it as is.


DIY Polka Dot Jeans
In fact, there are a lot of ways to renew your old jeans and make them fashionable again. You can tie dye jeans, rip them or even add some lace. Polka dot jeans is also a great option, so don’t hesitate and give a new life to your fave denim.


DIY Tied Crop Top
Tied crop top is a great idea for spring or summer. Recycle your old printed t-shirt and look fabulous. It is definitely that kind of thing which will make you feel cool and comfy. It only take a few minutes to create.


DIY elbow patches
Easy to do and it can just make the coolest statement with an old top or jacket. Best of all it can cover up worn areas and give a new lease on life to an otherwise perfect garment.
As elbow patches are back on the fashion scene, here is an idea to add a sparkle to your old shirt or sweater and bring it back to style.


DIY studded cut off shorts
There is nothing like the satisfaction of transforming your old pair of jeans into lovely shorts, but why to stop there? Not only can you add some lace, bows or pin metal studs (both concepts look awesome by the way), but also make some leopard prints or polka dots. Just remember, there are no limits to your imagination.


DIY Balenciaga Crop Top
You also can utilize many things from your boyfriend’s wardrobe. Bet, he has a great deal of wife beater shirts packed in his wardrobe. It’s high time to turn one of them into a sexy new trendy crop top. All you have to find is scissors and an old wife beater. Follow this super easy tutorial and get ready to rock your new outfit this summer.

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