Dental Hygiene Tips: Daily Habits to Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Health is wealth; it’s a tale as old as time itself. Maintaining a healthy body is key to living a full and prosperous life. Just having a perfect smile to greet people will make a huge difference in your day. Plus, you don’t have to worry about pesky medical and dental bills annoying you. Good oral health has lots of benefits—too many to count actually. While many will often overlook their dental hygiene in favour of other “pressing matters” such as high cholesterol and such, oral health is just as important to maintain. However, it cannot be ignored that dental treatment can be expensive. If you don’t have good dental insurance, it will give you a bang for your buck. Luckily, you don’t need to worry about that if you have healthy habits to prevent you from getting expensive treatments.

There are several ways to maintain healthy teeth. Having nice teeth can be a confidence booster and make you more appealing to everyone around you. But how do you keep them glowing despite the many foods and lifestyles you do daily? It’s quite simple: invest in proper dental hygiene and practices and consider getting good dental services for an added touch. Toorak Dental Studio can probably give you everything you need to keep that smile shining brightly. But first, let’s look at some tips on how to maintain that healthy oral hygiene at home.

Brushing Properly: brushing your teeth might seem like such common sense to do, but not many people are aware of the proper technique. Most people assume that the right way to remove debris on your teeth is to press hard, but brushing aggressively will damage your teeth more than eating sweets. Brushing too hard can harm the outer enamel and cause irreparable damage and erode your gums. The proper way is to do soft circular motions with your brush for a duration of 3 to 5 minutes; avoid sawing motions as this will just aggravate your gums and will cause them to bleed. Don’t forget also to change your brush every 3 months; using a brush that is already overworked can be unhygienic and erode your teeth more.

Floss Daily: sometimes brushing your teeth might not be enough. In between your pearly whites are hard-to-reach debris that can cause cavities to form. A simple way of fixing this is with dental floss. Remember to floss gently by doing up and down motions; keep in mind to place the floss all the way down to the gum line too to make sure that it can get any debris out effectively. This method not only removes plaque but can also prevent bad breath. Food stuck in between teeth can rot in there, especially if you don’t take it out. This is the primary cause of many instances of foul breath, so remember to floss properly and daily, at least once a day.

Avoid Sugar and Starch: sugar is the number one enemy of your teeth; they contain chemicals that can dissolve the enamel in your teeth, especially if they are too concentrated; they are the most prevalent cause of cavities (especially in children). Try to avoid them as much as you can; studies from the World Health Organization suggest that you should consume no more than 10 percent of sugary foods daily. Also, limit your consumption of starchy foods. Many people assume that sugar is the only culprit in bad dental health, but products such as pasta, bread, and crackers can break down into sugar and give the same devastating effects on your oral health.

Regular Dental Checkups: as we’ve always mentioned, prevention is always key. Investing in proper oral health by going to the dentist regularly can not only prevent serious dental issues from getting worse, but equipment and skills by dentists can also maintain those teeth in prime condition. For example, fluoride is a chemical that can greatly strengthen your teeth, but they are not present in home products; only a dentist has access to them, hence why dental cleaning can effectively make those teeth more potent. Plus, you get professional advice on how to maintain and treat your oral health at home.


With the busy schedules we have right now, it’s so easy to overlook things like our dental hygiene. Now that you know the proper ways in how to handle those teeth, make sure they remain shining and keep that smile alive!

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