15 Exercises for Absolutely Perfect Legs


Girls, it’s almost summer out there. Are you ready to put on your best miniskirts and show off your stunning legs? If you are not, you definitely need to read our article and follow our priceless tips. It doesn’t mean you should do all these exercises to get the result you want, you just need to choose several moves you like and do them on a regular basis. In just a few weeks you’ll be amazed with your results. Of course, you should not forget about your diet if you also want to lose some pounds. If you are okay with your weight and already following the rules of healthy eating, do these exercises to tone up your body and finally get your dream figure. No doubt these workout tips and tricks will help you.

1.   Walk on toes


You may be surprised to find out that this exercise is actually effective. Of course doing only this move is not enough for getting sexy legs, but it will definitely help you in achieving your goal. So, take your dumbbells and walk on your toes for a minute or two.

2.   Step ups


This workout move is very important to do if you want to get a stunning body. It will help you strengthen your legs and improve your balance and coordination skills. The best part about this exercise – it’s not easy at all! That means it’s really good for you…

3.   Squats


Squats are a must-do exercise if you want to finally get your dream figure. You should definitely add them to your workout routine. This exercise helps girls tighten their legs and butt. Do 3-4 sets of 20 squats and later you will thank this exercise.

4.   Sumo squats


This type of squats is a number one enemy of inner thigh fat. It is incredibly effective and definitely worth doing at least 3 times a week. Try to do sumo squats slowly. You will see how your legs and butt tone up in no time.

5.   Pistol squats


If you think ordinary squats and sumo squats are too easy for you, then you should try pistol squats. It is one of the most difficult yet most effective workout moves. Pistol squats demand strength and good balance skills. If you are a beginner, don’t be upset you can’t do it, there are a lot of other exercises for you.

6.   Golf swings


To make your squat routine funnier try golf swings. Imagine you are dancing. Start with your legs apart and then just throw your legs diagonally as high as you can do it. This move will tone up your legs, butt and also abs.

7.   Walking lunges with dumbbells


Walking lunges are also great if you want to tighten your legs and butt. Every professional trainer will make you do this move at the gym. But it is so easy to do at home, especially if you want to sculpt your body on a budget. Hold a pair of dumbbells to make this exercise more effective.

8.   Split jumps


Split jumps are perfect if you want to make ordinary walking lunges more difficult and effective. What you need to do is to jump from the lunge position. It is a good sign if you feel burn. Use dumbbells for better results.

9.   Curtsy lunges


If you are ready to challenge your lunge skills try curtsy lunges. It is an awesome and cool exercise that will sculpt your legs and will let you have fun at the same time. Imagine you are curtsying. Cross your legs and lunge down. Do 2 sets of 20 lunges and do not forget to switch legs.

10. High knees


This exercise is a perfect combination of cardio and strength workout. What you need to do is to bring your knees up as high as just you can. This move is not that difficult it is very effective.

11. Hip thrust


This workout move is definitely worth adding to your list of must-do exercises. It will help you get firmer legs and glutes. Sit down on the floor with your hands under your shoulders and then make your hips parallel to the floor. Repeat this exercise slowly to make it work better.

12. Side leg lifts


Side leg lifts will also help you achieve your dream body and get tighter legs. What you need to do is to lie on the side, lift your leg and drop it slowly. Do not forget to switch legs.

13. Scissor kicks


This exercise is absolutely perfect. It will not only strengthen your inner and outer thighs, but also will help you get rid of belly fat and get six pack abs. Sounds great? Then lie on your back and start crossing your legs.

14. Clamshell


This is an awesome exercise to help you get firmer outer thighs and butt. It is very simple and easy to do. Lie on the side and start lifting your leg as it is shown in the picture. Do this move slowly to make it more effective.

15. Hip raises on the ball


You will get your fabulous legs much faster with this incredibly effective exercise. As you can see it in the picture, this move is not easy to do, but believe us, you’ll see the results in no time. Lie on your shoulders, put your feet on the ball and start lifting your knees to your chest. You will be able to rock your stylish new miniskirt very soon.

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